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Elsevier Developer Portal

Author Lookup API

This represents the lookup interface associated with Author profiles.


Resource Method Description{id} GET
Author Lookup API: This represents a lookup for a Scopus Author profile.{orcid} GET
Author Lookup API: This represents a lookup for a Scopus Author profile.{institutionId} GET
Author Lookup API: This request returns the Authors associated with a SciVal Institution. GET
Author Lookup API: This represents a request to get one or more types of metrics for one or more Scopus Author profiles.


Author Lookup API: This represents a lookup for a Scopus Author profile.

GET getAuthor()

template params
id xsd:long This represents the ID of the Scopus Author that is being looked up.

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
This represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON, ATOM, or XML mark-up.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

application/json Author JSON Response: This is XML representing the requested document. JSON Example
application/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Invalid Request: This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted. Invalid Request Example
text/xml Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey). Authentication Error Example
text/xml Authorization/Entitlements Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated. Authorization Error Example
text/xml Invalid HTTP Method: This is an error that occurs when the requested HTTP Method is invalid. Invalid Method Example
text/xml Invalid Mime Type: This is an error that occurs when the requested mime type is invalid. Invalid Mime Type Example
text/xml Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key. Quota Exceeded Example
text/xml Generic Error: This is a general purpose error condition, typically due to back-end processing errors. Generic Error Example{orcid}

Author Lookup API: This represents a lookup for a Scopus Author profile.

GET getAuthorByORCiD()

template params
orcid xsd:long This represents the ORCiD of the Scopus Author that is being looked up.

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
This represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON, ATOM, or XML mark-up.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

application/json Author JSON Response: This is XML representing the requested document. JSON Example
application/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Invalid Request: This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted. Invalid Request Example
text/xml Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey). Authentication Error Example
text/xml Authorization/Entitlements Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated. Authorization Error Example
text/xml Invalid HTTP Method: This is an error that occurs when the requested HTTP Method is invalid. Invalid Method Example
text/xml Invalid Mime Type: This is an error that occurs when the requested mime type is invalid. Invalid Mime Type Example
text/xml Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key. Quota Exceeded Example
text/xml Generic Error: This is a general purpose error condition, typically due to back-end processing errors. Generic Error Example{institutionId}

Author Lookup API: This request returns the Authors associated with a SciVal Institution.

GET getAuthorsByInstitution()

template params
insitutionId xsd:long This represents the ID of the SciVal Institution for which Authors are being returned.

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
This represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON, ATOM, or XML mark-up.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
limit xs:int
default: 100
This value specifies the number of results to return. Coupled with offset, it can be utilized to paginate results. A maximum of 500 authors are available through this method.
offset xs:int
default: 0
For paginating results, this is how many pages (of size = limit) to skip before returning results.

application/json Author JSON Response: This is XML representing the requested document. JSON Example
application/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Invalid Request: This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted. Invalid Request Example
text/xml Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey). Authentication Error Example
text/xml Authorization/Entitlements Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated. Authorization Error Example
text/xml Invalid HTTP Method: This is an error that occurs when the requested HTTP Method is invalid. Invalid Method Example
text/xml Invalid Mime Type: This is an error that occurs when the requested mime type is invalid. Invalid Mime Type Example
text/xml Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key. Quota Exceeded Example
text/xml Generic Error: This is a general purpose error condition, typically due to back-end processing errors. Generic Error Example

Author Lookup API: This represents a request to get one or more types of metrics for one or more Scopus Author profiles.

GET authorMetrics()

header params
Accept xsd:string
default: application/json
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
This represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated. This can also be submitted as the query string parameter "httpAccept". This returns the response in JSON, ATOM, or XML mark-up.
Authorization xsd:string This header field contains the OAuth bearer access token in which the format of the field is "Bearer <token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements. The Authorization field overrides X-ELS-Authtoken.
X-ELS-APIKey xsd:string
This represents a unique application developer key providing access to API resources. This key can also be submitted as the query string parameter "apiKey"
X-ELS-Authtoken xsd:string This represents a end-user session. If provided, this token is used to validate the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be submitted through the HTTP header "Authorization" or the query string parameter "access_token".
X-ELS-Insttoken xsd:string This represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource. This token can also be provided through the query string parameter "insttoken".
X-ELS-ReqId xsd:string This is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. It will also be returned as an HTTP header in the corresponding response. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.

query params
httpAccept xsd:string
options: application/json, application/xml, text/xml
Override for HTTP header Accept, this represents the acceptable mime types in which the response can be generated.
access_token xsd:string Override for HTTP header Authorization, this contains the OAuth bearer access token, where the format of the field is "<token>" (where the token represents the end-user session key). The presence of a bearer token implies the request will be executed against user-based entitlements.
insttoken xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-Insttoken, this represents a institution token. If provided, this key (in combination with its associated APIKey) is used to establish the credentials needed to access content in this resource.
apiKey xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-APIKey, this represents a unique application developer key providing access to resource.
reqId xsd:string Override for HTTP header X-ELS-ReqId, this is a client-defined request identifier, which will be logged in all trace messages of the service. This identifier can be used to track a specific transaction in the service's message logs. Note that this should be a unique identifier for the client, and used to track a single transaction.
metricTypes xs:string
options: AcademicCorporateCollaboration, AcademicCorporateCollaborationImpact, Collaboration, CitationCount, CitationsPerPublication, CollaborationImpact, CitedPublications, FieldWeightedCitationImpact, HIndices, ScholarlyOutput, PublicationsInTopJournalPercentiles, OutputsInTopCitationPercentiles

This represents the types of metrics desired in the response. More than one can be specified.

ex. metrics=Collaboration,CitationCount,HIndices
authors xs:string

This represents the Scopus author IDs for which metrics are desired in the response. More than one can be specified.

ex. authors=6701858763,20433296900
yearRange xs:string
default: 5yrs
options: 3yrs, 3yrsAndCurrent, 3yrsAndCurrentAndFuture, 5yrs, 5yrsAndCurrent, 5yrsAndCurrentAndFuture, 10yrs

The year range for which to calculate the metric values.

For instance, if the current year is 2018, 3yrsAndCurrentAndFuture would be 2015-2019.
subjectAreaFilterURI xs:string

In order to filter metrics on a specific subject area, specify the URI of the subject area here.
includeSelfCitations xs:boolean
default: true

Whether or not to include self-citations in the metric calculations. Note that only certain metrics take this flag into consideration.
byYear xs:boolean
default: true

If set to true, metric values will be returned for each year in the range specified. If set to false, the metric values will be calculated for the entire year range.
includedDocs xs:string
default: AllPublicationTypes
options: AllPublicationTypes, ArticlesOnly, ArticlesReviews, ArticlesReviewsConferencePapers, ArticlesReviewsConferencePapersBooksAndBookChapters, ConferencePapersOnly, ArticlesConferencePapers, BooksAndBookChapters

The document types to include in the metric calculations. Note that only certain metrics take this flag into consideration.
journalImpactType xs:string
default: CiteScore
options: CiteScore, SNIP, SJR

The journal impact type to return from the metric calculations. This is only valid for the PublicationsInTopJournalPercentiles metric.
showAsFieldWeighted xs:boolean
default: false

Whether or not to display the metric calculations as field-weighted. This is only valid for the OutputsInTopCitationPercentiles metric.
indexType xs:string
default: hIndex
options: hIndex, h5Index, gIndex, mIndex

The index type to return from the metric calculations. This is only valid for the HIndices metric.

application/json Author JSON Response: This is XML representing the requested document. JSON Example
application/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Author XML Response: This is XML representing the requested document. XML Example
text/xml Invalid Request: This is an error that occurs when invalid information is submitted. Invalid Request Example
text/xml Authentication Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated due to missing/invalid credentials (authtoken or APIKey). Authentication Error Example
text/xml Authorization/Entitlements Error: This is an error that occurs when a user cannot be authenticated or entitlements cannot be validated. Authorization Error Example
text/xml Invalid HTTP Method: This is an error that occurs when the requested HTTP Method is invalid. Invalid Method Example
text/xml Invalid Mime Type: This is an error that occurs when the requested mime type is invalid. Invalid Mime Type Example
text/xml Quota Exceeded: This is an error that occurs when a requester has exceeded the quota limits associated with their API Key. Quota Exceeded Example
text/xml Generic Error: This is a general purpose error condition, typically due to back-end processing errors. Generic Error Example